Halloween and Ed Sheeran!

So whilst everyone one else was dressed up and attending Halloween parties on Halloween, I was out at the Hydro with Ashleigh seeing... Ed Sheeran!!
It was amazing. It was the best concert I've been to. He was just incredible. I think I'm still on a high from it to be honest!

Amazingly it was just him on stage with his guitar. No one else and nothing else apart from the screen behind him. I've never been to a concert like that. Normally there are big set pieces and costume changes and dancers and backup singers and all that jazz but none of that was needed at this concert. He totally owned the stage. It was just him singing his songs and killing it on the guitar and rapping so insanely fast. He had a loop pedal as well so that he recorded his voice and played it back and went between playing back different parts of it whilst he was singing and playing guitar. I have no idea how he did it! He is just so talented.
It was also the most energetic concert I've ever been to. He didn't stop inbetween songs he just kept going for 2 hours straight, one song straight after the other. It was incredible. I was tired out and I wasn't even doing anything!
And seeing as it was Halloween he came on stage dressed up in an Austin Powers costume which was pretty awesome. 
Because he just released his new CD I thought it would be all of his new songs so I was kind of disappointed because I didn't think he'd play Give Me Love, one of his songs from his old CD, and my favourite song of his but surprise surprise.. he closed on it! Well, before the encore songs where he pretended to go off stage and we cheered for a while before he came back on. It was amazing. It was my go-to-song when I was going through my rubbish period 2 summers ago and it's one of my favourite songs and to hear it being performed live and to hear thousands of people, myself included, singing along to it.. it was just amazing. I welled up.

 Seeing as the Ed Sheeran concert was on the actual night of Halloween, we had our obligatory Halloween party the next night, on the 1st November. We had the same last year as well so I think it's kind of becoming our tradition. I was Zombie Daphne from Scooby-Doo last year and I was thinking about just being that again this year but decided to go for something different.. So I dressed up as Anna from Van Helsing! As you can see from the picture below....

Corsets really aren't the most comfortable things in the world to wear. I don't know how women used to wear them all the time.. Unfortunately this party turned out to be more of a small get-together. Hardly anyone showed up which was a bit of a let down but I still had fun! The copious amounts of malibu and coke I had probably helped with that....

What did everyone else do for Halloween? I would love to hear from people!


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