Work, Work, Work!
So my life recently has pretty much revolved around uni work. I've been so busy and stressed out lately but everything is pretty much done for now so I'm happy! If a little exhausted...
I was not prepared for the massive increase in work load once I started my third year at uni. For anyone who doesn't know, your first two years in a Scottish uni you just have to pass to get into the next year but in your third and fourth years you start your honours courses which count towards what your final degree will be so it's serious stuff. And there's so much more work to do. For my honours courses, the classes are 2 hours long each and you have to do so much prep work for them because the classes are basically just big group discussions so you're already supposed to know all the information before you go in there.
On top of all my prep for my seminars and then my tutorials as well (I'm taking two level 2 classes as well to get enough credits) I've had 2 essays to do (a principles of healthcare law formative essay and a labour law sumative essay which counts for 25% of my grade) and an international private law exam to study for in the past 2 weeks so I've been a busy bee.
There's a few pictures of what my life has been like recently. Taking notes and writing essay's on my laptop.
Because I've had so much work to do, going to the gym has kind of been put on the back burner and I feel as though I've put on so much weight... time to get back into it! I'm going to go for a run tomorrow and I might do some yoga tonight. Also, I've found loads of healthy recipes onlines so I'll be posting those soon once I've made them.
Anyone else been struggling with balancing work and being healthy? I find it so hard! I feel like I don't have time to be doing exercise and then when I'm stressed or bored I just eat so it's not really a great combination... Hopefully it's all uphill from here though!
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