Baking! Peanut Butter Chocolate Brownies, Steamed Lemon Pudding and New York Cheesecake
Over the Christmas period there was sooo much food which of course included loads of desserts. Before I got into cooking I was really into baking and there are a few recipes that have become my principle desserts that I make for big events like New Years Day. I thought I would share some of these recipes with you.
These brownies are, I think, the best brownies ever made. They're also probably the most unhealthy things ever... but they are totally worth it! The recipe sounds ridiculous because of the amount of butter, chocolate and sugar that it calls for, and I actually cut all the ingredients in half because the batch would be massive otherwise and its already big enough with half the amount of ingredients.
These brownies are just so delicious and chocolatey and addictive and everyone should try them!

New York Cheesecake! I think cheesecake is perhaps my favourite desserts and its my dads favourite as well so this definitely had to be made over the Christmas period.
This cake is so rich and creamy and delicious and everyone loves it. I didn't put enough butter into the base mixture so the base didn't quite hold together like I wanted it to, but otherwise this was a great success! There is the recipe if anyone wants to try making it!
My other favourite dessert is this steamed lemon pudding by Gary Rhodes. I always make it for dessert on New Years Day when we have our big family dinner [which happened to be on the 4th this year]. Its really moist and lemony and even though it looks really heavy I find it surprisingly light. Give it a go!
So these are my 3 favourite desserts and I highly recommend all of them! They're really not that hard to make and they are so delicious, even if they are not the healthiest things you'll ever eat... Let me know how you get on and if you enjoyed them!
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