New Year, New Music - Part 2: Vance Joy

I'm back in Glasgow and back at uni! Seeing as I was in a completely different country when I last wrote in my blog, I think its about time that I wrote part 2 to my New Year, New Music post.

My second artist for you to listen to, if you haven't already, is Vance Joy [James Keogh]. He's an Australian singer-songwriter and his debut album Dream Your Life Away was released in 2014. 

 He's probably most well known for his song Riptide, which was featured in a GoPro tv advertising campaign. It was also in the Inbetweeners 2 movies. Its actually one of my favourite songs of his. Its a really upbeat indie folk song and I love the lyrics. It was first released as a track on his debut EP, God Loves You When You're Dancing, which contain most of my favourite songs of his:

Snaggletooth and Emmylou have some of his best lyrics in them, I think. Snaggletooth appeals to the insecure side of everyone who's worried that someone won't love them cause of their imperfections. He sings: "I love your snaggletooth, I see it poking when you laugh. And baby don't you know that I love those pigeon toes", showing you that someone can love you and your imperfections. Emmylou is about him comforting a girl and telling her not to be scared and that she's loved - "Oh if you're losing sleep, scared of shadows. See its just a chair, see the clothes hang there. Oh don't go losing sleep, scared of shadows. Oh don't feel bad. Well I never have, since I got you, my Emmylou." 

His album, Dream Your Life Away, has Riptide and From Afar on it, but none of the others from his EP. Mess Is Mine [], Georgia [], and First Time [] are my personal favourites from the album.

Anyone who is a fan of Hozier, George Ezra, Ben Howard, You + Me, and James Vincent McMorrow will definitely love Vance Joy. He has a pop/folk kind of sound and his songs are all predominently about love so anyone who is into that sort of music should take a listen!

Let me know if you like his songs and if you have any recommendations for me!


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