Happy birthday to me!
This post is actually really late, so its way past my birthday... but still! I'm now officially 21! Practically middle aged.
I was in Singapore for my birthday - happy times :) It was a great day and the family definitely went all out, as you can probably tell from the following photos.

Faith and John came to collect me after a little while and donned me with a 'Birthday Girl' sash and badge, just so there was no mistake about who's birthday it was. They then got me to close my eyes and guided me downstairs and outside, where I was allowed to open my eyes and saw.......
This! Our outside area was all decorated with balloons and a banner and all my presents and cards were on the table waiting for me. I was a very lucky girl that day.
Colleen and Thom were so generous and gave me a cheque to go towards my Euro-trip (another post about that coming up soon). I got more money from other relatives so my Euro-trip is basically going to end up being paid for so I am very happy about that!
Faith and John got me a gorgeous Swarovski necklace which I absolutely adore.
My main present, however, was the one from my mum and dad. They got me the most beautiful sapphire ring and I have hardly taken it off since I first put it on! I only take it off when I go for a shower or go to sleep.
My mum also baked me the most extravagent birthday cake ever. It was 4 layers of chocolately goodness and it was unbelievably rich. I doubt if they ever managed to finish it after I left. It'll probably still be there when I next go back.
Instead of having a crazy, wild 21st, I just had a nice relaxed day with the family which I definitely preferred. We had a BBQ that night, courtesy of my dad and then we went to the Fullerton for brunch the following morning/afternoon. Needless to say, I was one spoilt girl!
The 5 biggies went to dinner the night before my birthday as well, but I'm going to write a separate post on that because I don't want the amazingness of the restaurant to be lost in amongst this birthday post.
I actually have a lot of posts to write, to catch up with the time that I've been M.I.A, so, watch out for those!
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